When you require a distinctive vehicle for your special occasion, what could draw a better style definition than a fancy limousine! If you prefer the superb service in the country for your professional or personal specification, by the time mentioned look no further. Our fleet is comprised of both beautiful sedans and stretch limousines. We are the primary wedding car charter company in this area. City One Limo has been collecting premium status cars and providing the practically professional, high-quality chauffeur service overall in the area for many Years.
At All American Limo, we understand how pertinent it is not only to meet but furthermore exceed our client’s expectations. We are delighted to be widely known as the premier luxury limousine company in this area, and in this industry – your high standing is EVERYTHING.
Service Type: Distance
From: 731 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY, USA
To: 7th Street Burger East Village, East 7th Street, New York, NY, USA
Return: Return
Distance: 3.1 mi (19 mins)
Date: 20/04/2023
Pick Up Time: 1:00am
Service: Distance
From: 713 Music Hall, Franklin Street, Houston, TX, USA
To: Houston, TX 77002, USA
Vehicle: Suburban
Return: One Way
Date: 27/04/2023
Distance: 1.3 mi (7 mins)
Pick Up Time: 1:00am
Passengers: 5
Bags: 2
Additional Information:
405 Boulder Court Apt-200H Pleasanton, 94566 CA USA
(+1) 5303608818, 925 915 0778
Mon - Fri : 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M
Sat: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sun: Closed